Список литературы
[I] Muller, NathanJ., Bluetooth Demystified. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
[2] Jennifer Bray, Charles F. Stutman, Bluetooth - Connect Without Cables, Prentice
Hall PTR, 2000.
[3] Golio, Michael, Ed., Modern Microwave and RF Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press, 2000.
[4] Wi-Fi (802.1 lb) and Bluetooth Coexistence Issues and Solutions for the 2.4GHz
ISM Band, Mattew B. Shoemake, Texas Instruments.
[5] The Physiological Effects of 2.4 GHz Frequency Hopping Radios. Michael K.
Dempsey, Hewlett Packard Company, 1998.
[6] Bluetooth Security, Tula T. Vainio, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology, 2001.
[7] www.irda.org
|8| www.3com.com/bluetooth
[9] William H. Tranter, Theodore S. Rappaport, Brian D. Woerner, Jeffrey H. Reed
Wireless Personal Communications: Bluetooth Tutorial and Other Technologies,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2000.
[10] www.homerf.org
[II] Scientist tips features of Bluetooth 2.0, Junko Yoshida, Electronic Engineering
Times, June, 2002.
[12] Ben Thacker, The Bluetooth Report 2001, Visiongain, 2001.
[13] Dee Dee M. Bakker, Diane McMichael Gilster, Ron Gilster, Bluetooth End to End,
Hungry Minds, 2002.
[14] Bluetooth 2002, Micrologic Research's newest study of the worldwide Bluetooth
market, Micrologic Research, 2002.
[15] Архипкин В.Я., Архипкин А.В. Технология Bluetooth, ИТЦ «Мобильные
Коммуникации», 2002.
[16] Siep, Tom, How to Find What You Need in the Bluetooth? Spec. New York:
Standards Information Network, IEEE Press, 2000.
[17] Specification of the Bluetooth System, Bluetooth Special Interest Group, 2001.
[18] Miller, Brent A., Bisdikian, Chatschik, Bluetooth Revealed. Upper Saddle River, NJ:
Prentice-Hall, 2001.
[19] www.bluetooth.com
[20] Архипкин В.Я., Технология Bluetooth в России. Сборник докладов
Международного семинара «Европейское сотрудничество в области развития
мобильной персональной связи», 2002.
[21] FSK Transceiver Serves Bluetooth, Don Keller, Microwaves & RF, 2001.
[22] www.ericsson.com/bluetooth
[23] www.palowireless.com/bluetooth
[24] www.bluetoothweb.com
[251 www.rangestar.com
[26] www.kosantenna.com
[27] Less Air Time Saves Bluetooth Power, John Milios, Semtech Corp., 2001.
[28] Andreas Lerg, Wireless Networks: LAN and Bluetooth, Data Becker, 2002.
[291 Enhancing ISM Band Performance Using Adaptive Frequency Hopping, Eric
Meihofer, Motorola, 2001.
[30] 802.11 and Bluetooth Coexistence Techniques, Tim Godfrey, Intersil, December
[311 Integration Lowers Cost Of Bluetooth Designs, Wilfried Blaesnerl, Philips
Semiconductors, 2001.
[32 ] www.semiconductors.philips.com
[33] Голубой Зуб от Philips, Компоненты и Технологии, Станислав Дидилев, 2001.
[34] Архипкин В.Я. «Bluetooth в России», Мобильный Мир №3, 2002.
[35] Mike Miller, Discovering Bluetooth, Sybex Incorporated, 2001.
[36] Jennifer Bray, Brian Senese, Bluetooth Applications Developer's Guide, Syngress
Publishing, 2001.
[371 Bluetooth and Bluetooth Internet Access Points, Pico Communications, 2002.
[38] Bluetooth Brings Mobility in Health Care, Daniel Beaumont, Planet Wireless,
[39] Bluetooth for Industry, Mats Andersson, The Industrial Ethernet Book, September
[40] Wireless Communication in Telemedicine using Bluetooth and 802.1 lb. Magnus
Berggen, Department of Information Technology, Uppsale University, 2001.
[41] www.motorola.com/bluetooth
[421 Bluetooth. The Wireless e-Commerce Opportunity, Mattew Sorell, 2001.
[43] Robert Morrow, Bluetooth Operation and Use, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2002.
Архипкин Владимир Яковлевич, 1946.
Кандидат технических наук, с.н.с. Генеральный директор ООО «Кедах Электронике Инжиниринг». Основное направление деятельности: разработка систем и устройств передачи информации по каналам связи, цифровая обработка сигналов.
Редактор В. Я. Архипкин
Художник обложки В. И. Винин
Компьютерная верстка О. В. Шахова
Информационно-технический центр «Мобильные коммуникации». 125252, Москва, ул.
Куусинена, 19А, оф. 48.
Тел./факс: (095) 943-3460. Издательская лицензия ЛР № 065980 от 29.06.98.
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Архипкин Андрей Владимирович, 1981
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