Средства разработки приложений


Список литературы

  1. C.D.Locke, "Fundamentals of Real-Time", Lockhead Martin, 1998
  2. "Realtime CORBA", White Paper -Issue 1.0, 1996/Dec
  3. "It's all a question of time...", Real-time magazine, 1997/4th Quarter
  4. R.O'Farrel, "Choosing a cross-debugging methodology", Embedded systems programming, 1997/Aug
  5. K.Clohessy, "Using object-oriented programming tools to build real-time embedded systems", Real-time engineering, 1996/Fall
  6. V.Encontre, "How to use modeling to implement verifiable, scalable, and efficient real-time application programs", Real-time engineering, 1997/Fall
  7. N.Osawa, H.Morita, T.Yuba, "Animation for perfomance debugging of parallel computing systems", ACM, 1997
  8. S.K.Damodaran-Kamal, J.M.Francioni, "Nondeterminacy: testing and debugging in message passing parallel programs", ACM, 1993
  9. M.Timmerman, F.Gielen, P.Lambrix, "High level tools for the debugging of real-time multiprocessor systems", ACM, 1993
  10. A.von Mayrhauser, A.M.Vans, "Program understanding behavior during debugging of large scale software", ACM, 1997
  11. J.Lang, O.B.Stewart, "A study of the applicability of existing exception-handling techniques to component-based real-time software technology", ACM, 1998
  12. P.Fritzson, T.Gyimothy, M.Kamkar, N.Shahmehri, "Generalized algorithmic debugging and testing", ACM, 1991
  13. D.Zernik, L.Rudolph, "Animating work and time for debugging parallel programs. Foundation and experience", ACM, 1991
  14. J.M.Francioni, L.Albright, J.A.Jackson, "Debugging parallel programs using sound", ACM, 1991
  15. T.Kunz, "Process clustering for distributed debugging", ACM, 1993
  16. J.Cuny, G.Forman, A.Hough, J.Kundu, C.Lin, L.Snyder, D.Stemple, "The Ariadne debugger: scalable application of event-based abstraction", ACM, 1993
  17. J.May, F.Berman, "Panorama: a portable, extensible parallel debugger", ACM, 1993
  18. В.В.Липаев, Е.Н.Филинов, "Мобильность программ и данных в открытых информационных системах.", РФФИ, 1997
  19. A.J.Offutt, J.H.Hayes "A semantic model of program faults", ACM, 1996
  20. C.Jeffery, W.Zhou, K.Templer, M.Brazell "A lightweight architecture for program execution monitoring", ACM SIGPLAN 1998/july
  21. L.Mittag "Multitasking design and implementation", Embedded system programming, 1998/march
  22. E.Ryherd "Software debugging on a single-chip system", Embedded system programming, 1998/march
  23. N.Cravotta "Real-time operating systems", Embedded system programming, 1997/march
  24. J.E.Stroemme "Integrated testing and debugging of concurrent software systems", the sixth IFIP/ICCC conference on information network and data communication, Trondheim, Norway, 1996/june
  25. J.Ready "Distributed applications bend RTOS rules", CMP Media Inc., 1996
  26. J.Tsai, Y.Bi, S.Yang, R.Smith "Distributed real-time systems. Monitoring, visualization, debugging, and analysis", Wiley-Interscience Publication, 1996
  27. В.Б.Бетелин, В.А.Галатенко "ЭСКОРТ - инструментальная среда программирования.", Юбилейный сборник трудов институтов Отделения информатики РАН. Том. II. Москва, 1993.

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